Hunter's Haven For Geese and Greenheads™, At Washington's Premier Hunt Club |
Hunting Calendar
- Calendar Dates Goose Calendar Link Wa State Regs PDF 2019-20
Exclusive hunting on the legendary "Paul's Ponds",
which produces abundant “Green
Head hunting” all season long.
Legendary success, DVD's and TV shows have increased popularity.
Dates fill quickly. Most hunters book for the next year, as they leave.Even though the season is open all days, the Ponds will be closed for resting on selected dates. Gentleman's hunt - meet from 8 to 9AM !
"Greenheads Galore", DVD by Paul - See the pond in action! |
CALENDAR 2019-2020- CALL for availability. Dates shown are legal hunt days & not availibility
.: Youth Hunt Only (Under age 16) & must be accompanied by non hunting adult 18 yrs+
12 - 30 & Nov 2 - Jan. 26, 2020*: Regular Season (Black dates are non-hunting days)
Paul's Ponds will be closed on some week days for resting; the days will vary. Must call office for booking hunts.
Fuchsia = Youth hunt days. Blue = Unrestricted hunt days.
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October 2019 |
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November 2019 |
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December 2019 |
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January 2020 |
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Limits: always check official regulations to confirm hunt dates/times- changes are made! |
Possession limit: 21 ducks - three the daily bag limit as described below for the corrent number of species, except for harlequin which is only one in possession.
Season Limit: 1 harlequin. |
To schedule a hunt, click here.
Questions? E-mail:
burbankguides@yahoo.com or
call: 509-545-8000 Hours vary. Leave a message Please |
* Last day is guides hunt day! |
Burbank is in Eastern Washington-- INFO from Regs. (Always personally confirm the regs, since they change.)
b Daily Bag Limit: 7 ducks, to include not more than 2 hen mallard, 1 pintail, 3 scaup, 2 canvasback, and 2 redhead statewide; and to include not more than 1 harlequin, 2 scoter, 2 long-tailed duck, & 2 goldeneye in western Washington.
Burbank Guide Service 509-545-8000 Washington's Premier Guides |
509-545-8000 (10am-5pm PST) Business
Office or
Copyright © 1997 2019, Burbank Guide Service |